Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Joshua Fox - Oscar Nominated Filmmaker of last year's Gasland Arrested!

Just read an article from the Guardian that is truly upsetting. ( Josh Fox (who directed the 2010 film Gasland) was arrested for attempting to film a hearing on Fracking. If you are not familiar with fracking, I HIGHLY suggest checking out Gasland. It's one of my favourite documentaries of all time. In the spirit of Erin Brockovich, Josh exposes the natural gas industry and all the damage it is currently doing across North America.

His arrest only makes his point more clear: the natural gas companies are trying (who are we kidding, they will do ANYTHING) to hide the truth from Americans about the harm that Fracking does to not only the environment, but people and animals too.

If you still don't remember what movie Gasland is, it's the one where ordinary Americans living near sites where natural gas was being extracted suddenly could light their tap water on fire, starting finding cracks around their houses, and got cancer. Oh and their livestock lost all of their hair and randomly started dying. Now do you remember?

A fun bluesy/rap video to explain "what the frack is going on" posted below:

Also! Gasland was JUST added to Netflix. Perfect timing!

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