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These are the people who only come to Canada to "steal our healthcare"... That baby might even be a terrorist... |
Perhaps even worse (actually probably much worse) for Canadians is Bill C-31, which Jason Kenney introduced this past winter. This bill essentially destroys all human rights that are currently provided to immigrants and refugee claimants in Canada. This bill strips refugees of their rights by making it legal for the government to imprison refugees for one year without charge or even a warrant. It also imposes strict timelines that unrealistically force claimants to prove their claims in a very short ammount of time. This is done intentionally to reduce the number of successful claims. The new provisions also give the government power to revoke refugee status at ANY time and deport the person back to their country, regardless of the danger this may pose the person. Even worse, the new bill destroys the right to family re-unification for refugees, making it much harder for refugees and immigrants to reunite with their loved ones and children. If a person is finally granted refugee status, under the new law, reunification with spouses and loved ones is delayed for 6-8 years. Just imagine how you would feel if you were forcibly separated from your child for 6-8 years. That is a significant chunk of your child's life. In some cases, the child might not even recognize their parent once finally reunited. Furthermore, Bill C-31 gives the government the power to forcibly TAKE any refugee children under the age of 16, again without any warrant or reason, and keep them from their accompanying parents for one year. Oh and also don't forget, this bill also strips refugees of much of their health care. Sorry to the Somalian diabetic grandmother who has just escaped decades of brutal civil war. I guess you'll just have to go without insulin for a while.
What the hell is going on at the Ministry of Immigration? Who in their right mind made a middle-aged, racist, white guy the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism? Isn't that a bit counterproductive? I guess that must be Harper's idea of "multicultural"...a white guy from Calgary who believes that Canada's decision not to invade Iraq was a collosal error as it "damaged our relations with the US". Oh, he also does not believe in gay marriage,and he denied citizenship to Guy Valliere, a man who had served this country in the second world war because he did not make a "solid application with a strong case". I'd rather the manager at Starbucks run the immigration department than this moron.
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This is who Harper believes best represents multiculturalism and immigrants in Canada ... Seriously. |
I'm in agreement with Harper on this one. With the economy the way it is we have taken people in that have become a strain on our country. You say they should have health benefits that alot of Canadians don't have access to. Where is the reasoning in that? Our agricultural land is being taken to build houses on for these people. Where do you think we are going to grow food in the future? Refugees and asylum seekers should be limmited. As it stands now it costs upwards of 26 billion dollars a year for immigration, refugees and asylum seekers. Where do you think this money is coming from? We have 1 out 4 children that go to bed hungry. Yet you want to bring more people and their village here. When you are able to have every Canadian working then and only then bring more people in. These people have a choice while waiting for news on their application they can try and fix their own country. Our ancestors did just that they fought in the wars and died for our rights and freedom. These people feel Canada owes them and we don't. It shows because now they are launching law suits! We as Canadians try to help but we can't expect to be the soup kitchen of the world at our expence. So please try to except what Harper is trying to do.